arche+ gGmbH

We accompany in
the new beginning

ark+ initiative

Working together to positively transform our society

As the non-profit organization arche+ gGmbH, we have set ourselves the goal of supporting a holistic new beginning and striving for an all-encompassing transformation. In a world in which so much is deformed and urgently needs to be reformed, we want to help drive these necessary changes forward.

With your help, we can support people in difficult life situations, offer educational programs, drive research & innovation and thus help to positively transform our society. We use the donations specifically for projects & initiatives that pursue a holistic approach and enable sustainable change.

a black and brown outline of a map
High-tech strategy
a black and gold pyramid with stars
Investment portfolio

We offer a portfolio that balances financial returns with spiritual, economic and environmental returns.

a black and white line drawing of two rectangular objects

We develop prototypes which we will make available as blueprints in the future.


We develop business models that aim to generate a profit.

Food security

We will continue to provide reliable access to these basic resources in the future.

ark+ video

arche+ Visionclip

A vision that springs directly from the heart of God

Volunteer hours
0 K
0 +
1. milestone | Fund needed
0 M€

We exert a positive influence


We actively act sustainably

We actively protect the climate and preserve species diversity (biodiversity).


We lead into a new beginning

A holistic reboot is necessary. So much is out of shape and urgently needs to be reformed.

arche+ modular blocks

We develop new solutions

Our approach is to realize the necessary transformation in blueprints (modular building blocks). We see the current challenges & problems as an opportunity to develop new solutions. At the same time, we see ourselves as a multiplier for these solutions in order to achieve a sustainable & positive impact. The "Plus" in our name symbolizes the multiplication of these ideas & innovations.

We rely on your support to realize our vision and goals. Every donation helps us to accompany people & organizations in their new beginnings and to provide them with the tools & resources to manage their individual transformation.


We seek investment capital


We create cycles

We are creating a future in which creation, people and technology live together in harmony.

a computer chip with green leaves

We offer innovations

We develop holistic and sustainable solutions in our innovation hub and in the arche+ group.

ark+ family

Together we make a real difference

The goal is the unity of all living things | For a future in which creation, people and technology live in harmony with each other | In which intelligently used technology simplifies life, in which creativity is used to admire, preserve and appreciate God's creation | In which nothing and no one is exploited.

We cordially invite you to become part of our family and work with us towards a better future. Find out more about our projects, learn about our work and support us with a donation. Together we can make a real difference and realise the vision of a transformed society.

Status quo

Our innovation hub makes a holistic new start possible

Below you will find our current state of development. In our innovation hub we develop solutions and bring them into a divine formation (unity). It is a matter close to our hearts to make new things tangible and personally experienceable. We are reaching out - chasing the goal - to get answers in all areas of life, society and for our nation.


Innovation Hub

Our solutions in the field of technology


Innovation Hub

Our solutions for the element of water


Innovation Hub

Our solutions for the element earth


Innovation Hub

Our solutions for the element air


Innovation Hub

Our solutions for the element fire

Status quo

Our apostolic hub makes a holistic new start possible

We take God's commission to us humans seriously. Through the apostolic hub, we bring holistic restoration of God's ordinances | outpouring of grain, new wine and oil on God's people (Joel 2:18-26). Our anointed ministry brings the restoring and refreshing work of the Holy Spirit in hearts, minds, wills and emotions.


Apostolic Hub

Biblical teaching, training and practice

Status quo

Our Kingdom first Companies make a holistic new start possible

The old ways didn't work and the stress of the economy has affected every company. We don't operate in the old way, we operate in the new way. We are ambassadors of Christ in the 7 Mountains of influence in society. With our Kingdom Companies, we meet the great need in the business sector. Building and operating a Kingdom Company is so much more than just a normal business. It's business God's way.


Kingdom First

Kingdom Enterprises in our structure

7 Mountains in society

If we want to win a nation for God's Kingdom and its King Jesus, we must impact seven core areas or mountains of society that form the pillars of our society.

arche+ culture

There are principles of the Kingdom of God that characterize a supernatural lifestyle. These principles change us and the world around us by bringing heavenly culture to earth.

arche+ spiritual ministry with a complementary approach

We as arche+ hub are called to empower God's people once again to place themselves holistically under God's rule. We pursue a complementary, all-pervading strategy for society as a whole.

Donation account

arche+ gGmbH
General donation purpose: ARCHEPLUS

GLS Bank

IBAN: DE63 4306 0967 1305 7970 00

Kingdom come

Join us in building God's kingdom on earth

All of our resources, including investments, are managed in a way that honors God and fulfills His purposes.

As God's steward, you can build His kingdom with us by:

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