arche+ hub vision
Rivers of living water
bring a reformation
Kingdom Driven Hub Vision
A vision that springs directly from the heart of God
We as an apostolic | prophetic ministry arche+ are not a lifeboat for the few, as in the Flood, but a rescue operation by God for the many. We as arche+ hub are swimming on a river of reformation and grace that brings with it a great deal of renewal. This living river will reform everything that is deformed.
God's vision for the arche+ hub can be divided into three parts that are inextricably linked. For this reason, we have created this one vision clip with the three sections.
- REFORMATION | New thoughts, new paths, new ideas, solutions, newly opened doors and keys for previously closed gates.
- REVOLUTION | New inventions, innovation, heavenly solutions & revelations for technology, science, economy and nature.
- RELATIONSHIP | Restoration of true worship, unity, reconciliation, heart relationships and koinonia (κοινωνία).
First mover for the end-time harvest
Thy kingdom come. Your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
As an arche+ hub, we are among the first movers to dig the furrows in the ground for the end-time harvest. Kingdom Breakers based on the 5-fold ministry. Then come the disciples, those in training, who walk in these very wide furrows. They have it a little easier. And then everything is prepared for the harvest/revival.
“Rivers of living water will bring something new. An unprecedented reformation and a pouring out of the kingdom of heaven. New thoughts, new ways, new ideas, solutions, newly opened doors and keys to locked gates will be provided by heaven. Once again, heaven will usher in a time of grace and reveal things that no eye has ever seen and no ear has ever heard!“
“Blueprints for new inventions are poured out in streams from heaven and made available to mankind. Innovation, revolution, heavenly solutions and revelations for technology, science, economy and nature. The Lord will unleash his creativity and creative power and people will rise above themselves. Solutions to previously unsolvable challenges will be given as well as new and revolutionary approaches.“
“Kingdom Culture will exchange, replace and supersede everything that has gone before and will bring about true worship. Relationships of the heart, touch from spirit to spirit and from heart to heart. Relationships between the Creator and the creature made possible and restored. Heaven comes to liberate, reunite, reconcile and establish a relationship of love. Revelations of divine service and ministry will come like streams of living water upon dry, parched land, bringing forth creations that are entirely new. Those who thirst for heaven and for righteousness will be refreshed and delivered from a time of hunger and thirst. Heaven once again pours out grace on its creation.“
"Furrows will appear with the help of those who are willing to invest themselves in the kingdom of heaven and they will prepare the way for new disciples and laborers for the harvest. And then the harvest will follow. Be ready.“
arche+ hub video
We pour out grain, new wine & oil on God's people
"And the LORD answered and said to his people, 'Behold, I will send you an abundance of grain, wine and oil, and you shall have enough, and I will no longer let you be scattered among the nations. Joel 2:19
These verses describe our mission exactly. These verses are about restoration and the pouring out of grain, new wine and oil on God's people.
"And you, children of Zion, rejoice and be glad in the LORD your God, who gives you a teacher of righteousness and sends you rain, early rain and latter rain as before, so that the threshing floors will be full of grain and the winepresses will have an abundance of wine and oil." Joel 2:23-24
"Grain" stands for provision; "new wine" for the restoring and refreshing work of the Holy Spirit in the heart, mind, will and emotions; "oil" for His anointing to minister to others.
(new wine)
"You shall have enough to eat and praise the name of the LORD your God, who has done wonders among you, and my people shall no longer be put to shame." Joel 2:26
God's work begins with the restoration of all things for His beloved children and continues with His newly refreshed children who serve others and bring new sons and daughters from the world into His sheepfold.
Kingdom come
Join us in building God's kingdom on earth
All of our resources, including investments, are managed in a way that honors God and fulfills His purposes.
As God's steward, you can build His kingdom with us by:
- investing in the missionary arche+ Group (1.5 million euros).
- enable the purchase of a farmstead | former monastery farm with lots of land and forest (EUR 1.75 million).
- enable the professional restoration of the listed former monastery courtyard of the Carthusian order from the late 17th century (1 million euros).
- support our arche+ apostolic hub (250 thousand euros).
- support our arche+ innovation hub (500 thousand euros).