ark+ partnerships

Starting over
anew and
taking off

arche+ partnerships

Faith partner

Who believe in the impossible.

Protection partner

Who protect the order.

Financial partner

The enablers in the background.

Specialist partner

Who provide targeted help and support.

Service partner

Who seize our reputation.

partnership models

Faith partner


When Mary received the word of God, i.e. Jesus, in the New Testament, she was a young virgin. She had no natural proof that this event had taken place. She needed a partner in faith. The Lord told her through the angel Gabriel that her cousin Elizabeth had become pregnant in her old age, and she was six months pregnant! She immediately set off to look for Elizabeth in the hill country. She could believe with Mary. They had such a connection in faith partnership that when Mary came in and greeted Elizabeth, John the Baptist leaped in her womb and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit and began to prophesy! Elizabeth became Mary's partner in faith. In Luke 1:38-55 we see how strong Elizabeth's and Mary's faith was together. They prophesied and praised. That was a strong partnership of faith! Once home, a different kind of partner was needed.

Become our "Elisabeth"!

Believe, stand up and pray. Stand up with us for what seems impossible! This can be done by people all over the world. If you see the mission to which God has called us and want to stand up for God's dreams with us, become our "Elisabeth". Together we can believe! Is God speaking to you about this mission, or are you moved by the vision that is impacting our country and nations?

Become our faith partner!

partnership models

Protection partner


The battle no longer took place only inside Mary, but was now also on the outside. The battle Mary now had to fight was the enemy's attempt to kill Jesus! For this battle, God sent an angel who spoke to Joseph, who would be her partner for this stage of the journey. Joseph was already Mary's fiancé, he became her partner for the journey to the census, for the stable and for the time of raising Jesus. Joseph was with her from then on. From then on, he listened to God about what to do to protect her.

Are you our "Josef"?

Protect us in the mission to which we are called! In prayer or in a very practical way. Is it burning in your heart to be involved in intercession and spiritual warfare as a protector? God will give you dreams and instructions on what you can do to protect us and help us in this great call! This support is possible from anywhere in the world - we are connected in spirit.

We are looking for your special skills!

partnership models

Financial partner

Magi - the wise men

After the birth of Jesus, it was time for another part of Jesus' calling to be fulfilled. The Bible says that he fulfilled the whole law and the prophets. Jesus had to fulfill the scripture in Hosea 11:1: "Out of Egypt I have called my son." He needed various partners for this stage of the journey. These partners had been on the journey for almost two years. The Magi - the wise men! They were called to partner with Jesus financially. They brought him gold, frankincense and myrrh. Joseph took Mary and Jesus with him to Egypt for a year and fulfilled the scriptures, without which Jesus would not have been able to complete the redemption. The wise men were warned by an angel in a dream to take a different route home. They did, and the Bible says that Herod was mocked! Partnership mocks the devil! This example ran through Jesus' entire life and ministry.

You as a "wise man" are in demand!

The Magi - the wise men were extremely important: after their visit, Joseph was able to bring Mary and Jesus to Egypt. This means that through the contribution of the "Wise Men" we can bring Jesus to the nations! Are you called to be a financial partner and support our ministry? Do you want to harness the power of business in God's mission plan for the world as much as we do?

If God is commissioning you to do this, we look forward to meeting you!

partnership models

Specialist partner

Joseph of Arimthaea and Nicodemus

The partnership continued at Jesus' burial. There are partners for every area of the calling God has placed on the ministries! Each partner does something different and here Joseph of Arimthaea and Nicodemus were "expert partners"! Each of them has a unique place in the partnership. The only thing Jesus didn't have partners in was his death! Scripture says that he went through the winepress alone, with only his father with him at one point. His other partners helped him all the way to that point and enabled him to fulfill his mission. But when he arrived at that place of death, he had to walk alone. So partners have a unique position. Jesus even had a partner with him to take care of his mother! To fulfill the scripture, to honor your father and mother, the promise was that you should live long on earth! The apostle John outlived all the other apostles. He shared in the anointing for long life as Jesus' partner for his mother Mary. As already mentioned, there are different partnerships, partnership roles. In three accounts of the taking down of Jesus from the cross and his burial, a particular partnership is revealed to us. The accounts in Mark 15:37, John 19:38 and Matthew 27:57-66 show us that Joseph of Arimathea, who was a disciple of Jesus but out of fear of the Jews secretly asked Pilate to allow him to take down the body of Jesus; and Pilate allowed him to do so.

Partner for a special cause!

In Jesus' case, it was his burial that was decisive for the fulfillment of his calling. The kind of partners who work with us at arche+ are partners who provide targeted help and support so that we can fulfill our calling. Bring your know-how and expertise to the table!

Shape God's kingdom with us!

partnership models

Service partner

Mary Magdalene, Joanna and Susanna

In Luke 8:1-5 we read: "They served him out of their substance" means that they were servants! They came to him to serve him in the household, to give him food and the necessities of life and to relieve his need by collecting alms. Substance means: possessions, goods, wealth and property. These women followed Jesus' ministry and helped him in every way possible by supporting him in his ministry and giving their possessions, goods, wealth and property! In other words, they were his partners, allied with him in his ministry! They helped Jesus do what he was called to do! Verses 4 and 5 then say, "...many people gathered together and came to him from every town, and he spoke to them in a parable: A sower went out to sow." This was no coincidence. It is spoken of his partners who sow, and then it is spoken of him who sows the word! He sowed the word, and they all did the same by sowing to him! They were partners in the proclamation of the gospel!

Become our "Mary Magdalene"!

Are you called to join us in answering our call - monthly, weekly or daily? Stand faithfully with us. Mary Magdalene's are partners who stay with us throughout our ministry journey and sow ark+ into our ministry!

You are needed!

partnership models


An idea from God!

Philippians 1:7 is about some of the apostle Paul's partners in ministry. He told them that he had them in his heart, both in his chains and in the defense (words, teaching) and confirmation (power, miracles!) of the gospel. Further, he told them that through this they all share in his grace (they partake)! Whatever grace he had at his disposal, they also had it! They all knew about the anointing that was on him for the bonds. This was the church in Philippi that came out of the prison ministry where Paul and Silas were freed from their bonds! He tells them that they too have this anointing! The anointing that was on Paul for the confirmation, works, power and miracles of the gospel was also on them!

Share in the grace of God

In this ministry we walk in the fivefold anointing! When you become an arche+ partner, you are a partaker of God's grace upon this ministry! As partners in this ministry, we have made a covenant with our partners before God to keep this ministry pure, to pray daily for our partners, to keep you informed and up to date and to share in the anointing of this ministry.

Together we are strong!

Not yet an arche+ partner?

Faith partner

Who believe in the impossible.

Protection partner

Who protect the order.

Financial partner

The enablers in the background.

Specialist partner

Who provide targeted help and support.

Service partner

Who seize our reputation.

We are deeply grateful to our partners for helping us to make everything possible that God has called us to do! Every partner is valuable to us. If you are not yet a partner and God has touched you to partner with us, then...

And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called, The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in.

Donation account

arche+ gGmbH
General donation purpose: ARCHEPLUS

GLS Bank

IBAN: DE63 4306 0967 1305 7970 00

Kingdom come

Join us in building God's kingdom on earth

All of our resources, including investments, are managed in a way that honors God and fulfills His purposes.

As God's steward, you can build His kingdom with us by:
