arche+ kingdom events
Encounter His Majesty
the King of Kings!
natural | supernatural
Kingdom Events | Unicates
The framework of a Kingdom Event deviates from the everyday routine and is intended to be a unique experience that activates people and establishes direct contact between the Kingdom of God and its heirs. Each event has a unique character.
- Kingdom Events primarily shape Kingdom Culture. They strengthen the participants' attitude towards the Kingdom of God.
- Kingdom Events have participants. Everyone is part of the action and brings the event to life together.
- Kingdom Events appeal to all the spiritual as well as several natural senses of the participants at the same time.
- Kingdom Events embody exclusivity through the live experience.
- Kingdom Events translate heavenly messages into tangible events.
We are committed to sharing the resources of the Kingdom of God with individuals and families, businesses and organizations in local and international Kingdom events.
Kingdom Events
rolls out the red carpet for the King of Kings.
Kingdom Events
is life-affirming and life-enhancing.
Kingdom Events
is straightforward, unconventional and unstoppable.
Kingdom Events
follows the leadership of King Jesus Christ.
Kingdom Events
is focused on the gospel.
Kingdom Events
Our next events
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- 12Koinonia Day11:00 - 18:00Every second Sunday of the month from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. we celebrate our Koinonia Day as Kingdom Legacy of Love | ekklēsia for all nations at our location in Mühltal and online via Zoom. You, your family and your friends are very welcome. We would be delighted if you would celebrate worship with us. , ...Local Time:12 Jan 2025 |05:00 - 12:00
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- 26Evening Church Service18:00 - 21:30Every last Sunday of the month from 6.00 pm to 9.30 pm we celebrate our Evening Church Service as Kingdom Legacy of Love | ekklēsia for all nations at our location in Mühltal and online via Zoom. You, your family and your friends are very welcome. We would be delighted if you would celebrate church with us. , ...Local Time:26 Jan 2025 |12:00 - 15:30Prayer call | New elections20:00 - 21:0014 days of fasting and prayer for new elections Prayer and fasting are one of the keys God has given us to unlock the resources of heaven as we work to establish His Kingdom here on earth. Fasting and prayer remind us that we are dependent on the Creator, and help us to remember a , ...Local Time:26 Jan 2025 |14:00 - 15:00
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Kingdom Conferences
In our supernatural conferences, we manifest the kingdom of God in the nations. We begin in Germany with our international events. We are convinced that now is the time to encounter His presence, unite as ONE in worship and experience true transformation. Our conferences have a heavenly atmosphere where the royal presence of God can be experienced! His majesty will be seen and experienced with us as our Father and sovereign ruler over all creation!
Streams of Living Water | Kingdom Conference is our popular annual arche+ apostolic hub conference.
The Light | Kingdom Conference is our annual Entrepreneur Conference.
The Sound of Heaven | Kingdom Conference is our annual praise | worship conference in harmony with heaven.
The Fire | Kingdom Conference is our annual revival conference.
The Earth | Kingdom Conference is our annual arche+ innovation hub | Creation Care conference.
Kingdom Conferences
Streams of Living Water
Streams of Living Water
STREAMS OF LIVING WATER | KINGDOM CONFERENCE At this Kingdom Conference there is a heavenly atmosphere in which the royal presence of God can be experienced! His Majesty will be our Father and ...
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The Light Conference brings together entrepreneurs, business people, creatives, change makers and visionary leaders who are fed up with average results. Are you curious and open-minded to discover the divine principles in business and the secrets behind them? Then the Licht Conference is the right place for you.
The spirit of God still hovers over the unformed markets and the emptiness of human needs. The goal is to shape creative processes in partnership with God. This is what a Kingdom of God company does. Leaders who want to add real value to the marketplace ask God what the real problems are (or will be) in the marketplace and then ask Him for inspiration (light) on how to solve those problems.
Come and go home enlightened from this conference! Come and experience the power of heaven to be a royal ambassador. Come and grasp more clearly your purpose as king and priest. Come and grasp what it means to walk this tiny planet earth and represent the glorious kingdom of heaven and its rule over the earth in business!
powered by | arche+ apostolic hub
The vision of the Sound of Heaven Conference is to immerse and abide in the presence and glory of God - no program or agenda, just Sound of Heaven in Symphony of Earth! The Sound of Heaven is a worship conference in new dimensions, where we will experience how to get in tune with the sound of heaven together. Be part of a supernatural event where the body of Christ comes into a new formation - not a worship team from the stage - but oneness as a symphony. Experience and learn more about sound and its relationship to the revelation of God's glory. This supernatural event will open up new dimensions to those with an ear to hear and a heart that seeks God.
powered by | arche+ apostolic hub
We are in a time of gigantic upheaval. The fire of God is rekindling the faith of the fathers and reviving the Judeo-Christian heritage of generations. We believe that the Holy Spirit will flood this continent with an unprecedented revival movement that will lead to nationwide repentance and a historic number of salvations. "Dor v'dor" דּוֹר וָדוֹר is a common Hebrew expression and means "from generation to generation". We have a valuable Judeo-Christian heritage! As we rediscover the generational heritage and pass it on to the next generation, we will see the fire of revival burning in our families, churches, communities and nations. Together we will experience the cleansing, activating and purifying fire of God at this event! This is the time when something new is being prepared! We are convinced that now is the time to encounter His power, unite as ONE in worship and experience true transformation.
powered by | arche+ innovation hub
The Earth Conference's vision is to bring God's mandate to care for creation into focus. Hear from a wide range of international and national speakers as we explore Scripture, science, ecology, climate change, conservation, loving our global neighbors, and much more. You'll learn how these topics spring directly from the heart of God, and you'll connect with opportunities to make a difference. You will be better equipped than ever before to follow the mission God gives us all: To love and care for God's creation and our fellow creatures who share in its flourishing.
Kingdom come
Join us in building God's kingdom on earth
All of our resources, including investments, are managed in a way that honors God and fulfills His purposes.
As God's steward, you can build His kingdom with us by:
- investing in the missionary arche+ Group (1.5 million euros).
- enable the purchase of a farmstead | former monastery farm with lots of land and forest (EUR 1.75 million).
- enable the professional restoration of the listed former monastery courtyard of the Carthusian order from the late 17th century (1 million euros).
- support our arche+ apostolic hub (250 thousand euros).
- support our arche+ innovation hub (500 thousand euros).