Kingdom Legacy of Love | ekklēsia for all nations

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Kingdom Ekklēsia

Kingdom Legacy of Love | ekklēsia for all nations

Our heart's desire is to make a living legacy of love for Jesus Christ and one another tangible and personally experienceable. We are ready to embrace a greater intimacy with Christ, a greater love for one another, a greater trust in the leaders we have set, a greater willingness to serve and to engage in more than we can currently imagine.

Wherever families have worked together across generations, this has changed the course of history. | We have the goal of pursuing God's plans to shape a heavenly culture of love across generations.

a group of people standing together
One body

Despite diversity, one body in Jesus Christ.

a black and gold heart and two people giving each other high five
One sense

All in harmony, full of compassion and love.

a heart with a flame
One heart┃soul

Not property, but common property.

a bird with a branch in its mouth
One Spirit

All have been imbued with a spirit.

a black and brown circle with a heart in the middle
One community

Enjoying each other and living together.

a black and gold star and heart shapes
One god

We are gathered in his name.

KLoL Events 2025

Our next events

Evening Church Service
18:00 - 21:30
Location arche+

Evening Church Service

Every last Sunday of the month from 6.00 pm to 9.30 pm we celebrate our Evening Church Service as Kingdom Legacy of Love | ekklēsia for all nations at our location in Mühltal and online via Zoom. You, your family and your friends are very welcome. We would be delighted if you would celebrate church with us. ...

Koinonia Day
11:00 - 18:00
Location arche+

Koinonia Day

Every second Sunday of the month from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. we celebrate our Koinonia Day as Kingdom Legacy of Love | ekklēsia for all nations at our location in Mühltal and online via Zoom. You, your family and your friends are very welcome. We would be delighted if you would celebrate worship with us. ...

Evening Church Service
18:00 - 21:30
Location arche+

Evening Church Service

Every last Sunday of the month from 6.00 pm to 9.30 pm we celebrate our Evening Church Service as Kingdom Legacy of Love | ekklēsia for all nations at our location in Mühltal and online via Zoom. You, your family and your friends are very welcome. We would be delighted if you would celebrate church with us. ...

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Legacy of Love

Back to the nucleus | The ekklēsia back to full maturity

a glowing sphere with circles around it

The ekklēsia has been undergoing enormous change for some time now. The transformation of the last 100 years shows enormous changes, and the maturing process continues. We can trace the roots of many changes back to Christ himself. Since the time of the Reformation, God has been working with His people to significantly adjust the doctrines and beliefs of the ekklēsia, and now the heart and structure as well. The reformation (metamorphosis) of the ekklēsia is still in process and will now intensify and strengthen.

God wants to create an organizational structure for his people that goes beyond what we have manifested so far. This transformation has profound implications for ekklēsia. As outlined in Ephesians 4:11-16, God is working to bring the body of Christ to full maturity. The following are some of the things the Holy Spirit is in the process of accomplishing. Apostles will not only take their place again, but also regain authority. This is not just about the restoration of a function in the body of Christ, but the entire way the ekklēsia is structured, governed and functions. This implies major changes in the way everything operates. The people of God will learn what apostles really are, about their grace, their place, their purpose and their nature. Many preconceived notions will change in this process.

The Nicene Creed describes the church as "a holy, universal and apostolic church". God's people will recognize that being apostolic does not mean "simply having apostles", but that it is in the DNA of his people to be apostolic. Jesus was apostolic, he was sent, and we too bear his image. The Spirit is preparing the wider ekklēsia for a greater intimacy with Christ, a greater love for one another, a greater trust in leaders, a greater willingness to serve, and more that many of us don't even think about yet. We will become like the early church, and even more than them.

The undergarment of Jesus was seamless, and likewise, God wants to raise up leaders for the ekklēsia who are so united in love and purpose that they are a seamless covering for the body of Christ. What we have seen so far in terms of denominational or organizational coverage will be replaced. Something much bigger and better is on the way. Power is on the way, a power that results from unity (oneness). The power that has been lost to us will come back through "The true encounter with the body of Christ" (1 Corinthians 11:29-30). There have been consequences of ignoring the provision and complementation that is present in the body of Christ. We have become "weak and sick, and quite a few have even died". As the body of Christ, we can recognize that no individual can grasp and visualize all the dimensions of God. We can learn anew to enjoy, complement and complete one another in mutual dependence and need of the larger body.

The oneness of the body of Christ worldwide is not an outward unity, but something that comes from the heart. It is more than working together for a cause, but a true union of spirit and feelings. It is the answer to Jesus' prayer in John 17:21, in which he asked God "that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me." Jesus prayed for the kind of unity that Jesus and the Father had. We have not yet achieved that unity. We as apostolic & prophetic ministry arche+ have no doubt that Jesus will be heard and we will come back into this true unity and thus into the power that comes from it.

This is similar to the relationship between Jesus and the disciples, Paul and Timothy, Elijah and Elisha, and Moses and Joshua. When the ekklēsia is refocused on relationships, the spiritual ministry will resemble that of the first believers. It will reflect the model of Father and Son. Jesus (God) was the son of a father and God was also the father of a son. This ultimately will not (and should never) be legal, but a heart relationship. It is for the true maturation of God's people. We still do not have a complete concept of the fullness of God's plans. Yet, it thrills us as an apostolic hub that His hand is at the helm of the ekklēsia to guide them. Jesus saved the best wine for last. A legacy of love.

Covered by Jesus Christ

Ein Vermächtnis der Liebe für alle Nationen

Kingdom Legacy of Love | ekklēsia for all nations

Our ekklēsia for all nations is covered apostolically. This covering is actually the covering of Jesus Christ himself. It is something that God provides for his people, and he uses the apostles to provide it. Through this covering, grace and blessing are provided to God's people, and beyond that, there is also protection, accountability, and belonging. To benefit from Christ's covering, it is necessary to give your heart to your leaders, to cultivate a conscious heart relationship with them.

To cultivate a heart relationship and not a ministry relationship means to decide to serve your spiritual leader from the heart and to meet him in sincere love. This healthy relationship opens the door to the heavenly channel of blessing. This Kingdom Culture protocol applies to all believers, not just ministries and ministers. With our ekklēsia for all nations, we want to manifest a living legacy of love for Jesus Christ and one another.

Living in community

We live a lifestyle oriented towards the kingdom of God

We seek those who long to be equipped and commissioned, those who are challenged to leave the status quo, hungry to release the Kingdom of God on earth and find what they were created for. For us, discipleship takes place in the context of life, being placed in a practical setting and eventually being sent to a new place, field of labor or mission.

Anyone who comes to us can "land" with us and doesn't have to worry about where to live or what to eat.

Discipleship and pastoral care take place naturally and individually as you get to know each other better and better.

Being a disciple of Jesus means being a learner of Jesus. We see ourselves as a community of learners - from him and from each other.

In an atmosphere of trust, grace and acceptance, we can open up and enjoy each other.

We learn to love God, each other and the people around us. We as arche+ exist to show the love of God.

Despite the hardships and burdens of life, our homes are places of joy and worship.

We strive for the kingdom of God. The question is not what belongs to me, but what God's dream is for my life.

We are birthing an empowered flock, a tribe of hungry disciples ready to shape lives. We feel the call to take the hopeless & disqualified out of circulation for a while and release them onto the earth as signposts for the Kingdom of God. We offer them an anointed five-fold power package. We want to recognize, grow, mature, confirm and equip.

Consecrated life

We are a place of encounter and family for the nations

We are encountering a generation that longs to be discipled, sheathed, empowered and activated to run their race. Many are lost in the wilderness and long to find their tribe and purpose. We see our disciples as parents see their children, intent on raising children according to their individual needs.

Both when we eat together and when we celebrate communion, we eat with "joy and simplicity of heart".

Jesus Christ is our nucleus. Our aim is to be transformed into his image step by step.

We want to learn to come to terms with ourselves and see how He leads us perfectly.

Guided by His Spirit, we gradually learn to live in His power.

Our apostolic hub is a meeting place for believers of all races and colors.

After an intensive period of living together and preparation, our disciples set off to fulfill their individual mission.

As spiritual parents, it is important to us to support our children in their ministry in the best possible way.

We long to leave behind traces of blessing. Future generations should benefit from our service.

We faithfully proclaim "The Gospel of God" without modification or substitution. The commission is to disciple and set free all nations - an army of fiery pioneers & warriors called for the glory of His Kingdom.

Donation account

arche+ gGmbH
General donation purpose: ARCHEPLUS

GLS Bank

IBAN: DE63 4306 0967 1305 7970 00

Kingdom come

Join us in building God's kingdom on earth

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