School of Apostolic Ministry | Tuesdays

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**This course will start when we have enough participants.

Weekly | Live Equipping Meetings | Tuesdays

Regarding apostles and apostolic ministry, we believe that Jesus Christ has appointed apostles in every generation and continues to appoint apostles today, just as he did for the ekklēsia of the first century. These apostles are called, equipped and commissioned to express the authority of Christ in the ekklēsia and to lead the ekklēsia.

The apostles today have the same authority, given to them by grace and exercised by grace, as the first apostles, according to the counsel of the Old and New Testaments. The apostolic ekklēsia of Jesus Christ is personal and relational, not institutional. Apostles exercise a personal ministry and a relational and spiritual authority. It is God's original intention that all of God's people are "apostolic" by nature. This course module will define and explain what this means and how churches and spiritual leaders can bring these values back to their tribe. After completing this module, you will think differently and serve differently. As the Bible teaches, the ekklēsia of Jesus Christ is to recognize the apostolic office, receive the true apostles sent by Christ and reject the false, submit to the spiritual authority of the apostles, and live in harmony with their biblical way of life and teaching.

The bodies of the Christian congregation do not have the task of controlling the apostolic ministry, but of serving it and thus Jesus Christ. Apostles are there to lead the people of God into freedom, and they are not authoritarian or controlling, but authoritative (love paired with authority). The goal of apostolic ministry is to lead the believers to fellowship and unity. A true apostle also submits to others, and this submission is evident in the relationships in which the apostle lives.

Disclaimer: The School of Apostolic Ministry is not an accredited school. Its purpose is to provide biblical teaching and courses for people who are called as sons of God to bring healing and deliverance and restoration to the body of Christ.

**This course will start when we have enough participants.

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What Will You Learn?

  • Wir schulen die ursprüngliche apostolische DNA, eine Anforderung an das gesamte Volkes Gottes.
  • Unsere Vision ist es, die Teilnehmer in drei verschiedenen Phasen zu fördern: Erkennen | Werden | Dienen.

Course Content

Apostle | Background
We address questions such as "What is an apostle?" and examine the role of apostles and misconceptions about apostles.

  • What is an apostle?
  • The role of the apostles
  • Misconceptions about apostles

Apostle | Looking to the future
What will the apostolic ministry in the ekklesia look like in the future?

What does it mean to be apostolic?
An apostolic people or an apostolic group is not just a group that has apostles, but a group that has certain characteristics.

Understanding apostles
Apostel sind bereit zu leiden, Verfolgung zu ertragen. Sanftmut ist ein Kennzeichen des Apostels. Die Berufung eines Apostels verlangt, dass Sanftmut ein starker Ausdruck seines Charakters ist. Christus, dem alle Macht gegeben war, wurde der Geringste und wurde wie ein Diener und wurde sanftmütig. Daraus ist zu schließen, dass die Apostel, denen viel gegeben wurde, auch bescheiden, sanftmütig und demütig geworden sind und vor allem eine dienende Haltung einnehmen.

Apostle by grace
Apostles are called, equipped and commissioned to express the authority of Christ in the ekklēsia and to lead the ekklēsia. Apostles today have the same authority, given to them by grace and exercised by grace, as the first apostles, according to the counsel of the Old and New Testaments.

False apostles
How do I recognize a false apostle?

Apostle | Spiritual covering
Covering is much more than being protected (belonging, submitting and being accountable). Spiritual power flows under a true covering and it works because something Christ has put in place is at work. A spiritual covering is a spiritual force field that helps to bring good things in (blessing) and keep bad things out (protection). The life and power are provided by the anointings of Christ that flow directly or indirectly through the apostles.

Apostolic covering
The life of one person can affect many. The spiritual covering is a grace or anointing of a person, more specifically an apostle or leader appointed by Christ.

The unity of the body
Apostel sind dazu da, das Volk Gottes in die Freiheit zu führen, und sind nicht autoritär oder kontrollierend, sondern autoritativ (liebevoll mit Autorität gepaart). Ziel des apostolischen Dienstes ist es, die Gläubigen zur Gemeinschaft und Einheit zu führen. Ein wahrer Apostel ordnet sich auch anderen unter, und diese Unterordnung zeigt sich in den Beziehungen, in denen der Apostel lebt.

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